The National Hereford Queen Competition will take place this year in conjunction with the American Royal in Kansas City, MO. There are nine excellent young women running this year!
Below is the competition schedule:
Friday, October 29, 2010
12PM Interviews-AHA Headquarters, 1501 Wyandotte, Kansas City, MO (official outfit or interview attire)
4PM Queen Orientation-AHA Headquarters (casual attire-no banners or crowns!)
7PM Queen Social hosted by National Hereford Queen (casual attire-no banners or crowns!)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
9AM National Hereford Women Breakfast, Governor’s Room, American Royal Complex (official outfit)
2:30PM Preview Ladies of the Royal Sale, American Royal Complex (official outfit)javascript:void(0)
4:00PM Ladies of the Royal Sale (official outfit)
6:30PM Boots and Brew Reception, Governor’s Room, American Royal Complex (official outfit)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
7AM Meet at American Royal Complex for photo and to set up awards (official outfit)
8AM Hereford Junior Show (official outfit)
Approximately 4PM National Queen Coronation, before the announcement of National Champion bull
Monday, November 1, 2010
9AM American Hereford Association Board Meeting, Hotel President (for newly crowned National Queen Only)