The girls and I mingled throughout the crowd talking to adults, children, and members of the National Hereford Women’s Board.
(Mrs. Paula Acheson and I at the Ice Cream Social)
We talked about the show and life and anything that came to mind! It was nice having the Ice Cream Social with all of the queens around interacting with anyone that wanted to talk. After the social, I had to fly to Lubbock, Texas for the State FFA Convention to receive a scholarship. That was a trip! My flight was canceled in Denver, Colorado; therefore, I had the honor of staying the night in the airport. Do you think I slept? No! It was a creepy airport during the night, but I survived it! The next morning I got the earliest flight to Lubbock and received my scholarship then flew back that night. It was all definitely worth the trip… just a LONG trip!
(My friends and I at the State FFA Convention before we went on stage)
While I was away from the NJHE, the girls worked the show arena for showmanship. They gave ribbons and congratulated all exhibitors. I had many compliments for them when I returned. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were definitely the busiest and most exhausting days of the week. It’s non-stop work! Thursday morning, we all took our official quuen's picture for the Hereford World Magazine. Although it’s work, work, work, it’s the best part of the week. This is the time when all of the queens truly get to bond! We sit together, laugh together, and work together.
Thursday was a long, long day. We seriously worked ALL day long! We did every show but the owned show. All of the shows included the cow-calf pairs, bred-and-owned bulls, junior AI bulls, bred-and owned-heifers, and the junior AI heifers. It was a successful day for many exhibitors.
Friday was a long day as well! The owned show lasted all day long. We seriously didn’t end with pictures from divisions and all until the beginning of the banquet. I was running to the banquet with my parents and when they introduced all of the State Queens and me as I was walking through the backdoor. The banquet went well with retiring speeches and award presentations. After the banquet pictures were taken and everybody got back to the barns to do their work. Friday started early and was bittersweet. I was FINALLY the last day of the NJHE which also meant the last day I would see everyone! We had all gained some hardcore muscles from holding the insanely heavy rocks as well as me holding the bronze bulls. The awards were definitely the coolest and most unique I’ve ever seen! As the show progressed, people were anticipating the Grand Drive. This is honestly my favorite part of any National Show. Everyone circles around the edges of the show ring, the stands are full, the cameras are on, and the queens are smiling. It is such an exciting moment!
After the winners were chosen, pictures were taken and goodbyes were given. By the time the queens and I were done with pictures, the barn was practically empty! Everybody was already loaded up and ready to head out. My week of the National Junior Hereford Exposition as the National Hereford Queen was incredible! There are so many people that helped me throughout the week and so many I want to thank. Even my National Hereford Queen's Basket raised an astounding amount of money!
Thank you to all that to contributed to my basket! Thank you especially to my wonderful queen coordinator, Ms. Margeaux Firestine! She was like my "big sister" all week long!
My family and Texas Hereford family were so amazing and supportive. I always love getting to meet back up with ALL of my Hereford family because of the continual support they give me!