Sunday was show day! It’s always no fun at all having to wait until the last day of the show to show, but they obviously saved the best breed for last! I got to the barns bright and early to take care of my heifer and as soon as I was done I went to the show ring to make sure all of the awards were set up for the show. Our Texas Hereford Sweetheart, Ashley Cline, was going to be in charge of the awards for the first division in the show seeing as I was in the second class. Luckily we had a Hereford native as our judge, Mr. Blake Bloomburg; it’s always nice to have someone I know to work with in the show ring. This year, I showed for my very last time in the Houston show ring with the green shavings… it was kind of bittersweet. But after my class and division were done, I headed straight to grab all of my queen belongings and go change. As I’m in the restroom I start to get my clothes out, and yes it’s the still the winter outfit so I had many layers, but I couldn’t seem to find my skirt! Get this… I had packed three of my white blazers and NO skirt! I mean how on earth could I forget my skirt?! It was 9 A.M. and the vendors were definitely not open yet. What was I going to do? All of the sudden I just broke down. I was literally crying in the corner of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo restroom sitting on top of my pink suitcase under my flower printed hanging bag next to my crown box. I was crying to my sadly saying, “I can’t be queen! What is everyone going to think?! …. I’m such a horrible person!” Now my mother, on the other hand, is the calm one in this situation, which is definitely a change in roles for the two if us. Mom told me to stay where I was and not to leave because she was going to find me a skirt. In my mind I thought, “How on earth are you going to find a WHITE skirt at a stock show when all of the vendors are closed?” But of course I just kept my mouth shut and nodded my head. Shortly after my mom left me all alone in the restroom I was still sulking and my student ag teacher came in. She told me mom sent her to stay with me so people didn’t think I was the weirdest person alive sitting with my queen wardrobe (besides my skirt) in the bathroom. My student teacher, Casey Page, was trying to comfort me as I cried and then I received a phone call from my mom, well super-mom, because she had miraculously found me a white skirt! Can you believe it?! I mean all of the stores were closed. Suddenly the tears vanished and a huge smile came onto my face. Casey Page and I started doing a happy dance in the restroom; this was definitely a moment for my happy dance regardless of the fact that I was in my turtleneck, blazer, tall white socks, and my slip. It was a great moment! I told Casey that she had definitely experienced a one of a kind thing that not many student teachers go through. How many student teachers have to go and sit with a student that is bawling her eyes out in the restroom because she forgot her white skirt in order to do her National Hereford Queen duties? Not many… or any! I definitely couldn’t have sat through that excruciating moment without her with me! When my mom came running back into the restroom she had the puffiest ruffled white skirt that I had ever seen, but I was wearing that thing regardless of the style. As super-mom helped me into my skirt we didn’t realize it was an EXTRA-LARGE!!! Thank goodness for safety pins! Once I was finally in my outfit, I did the queenliest fast walk that anybody had ever seen. I got into the show ring right when the Grand Drive had started for Hereford heifers. Yeah, I was little late but no big deal I still had the Polled Hereford show still to go next. Of course when all of my friends saw me they had to take pictures and giggle with me over what I had just gone though. But no big deal, I can take it.
It was a blast as usual to work in the ring with my Hereford royalty girls. This was the last show I got to work with them. Very sad day but now the girls are on to the next chapter in their lives which I know will be great! Overall the show was definitely a success; we even had a Hereford win Supreme Champion! Congratulations Rope Stewart! Although the start of my day was much more stressful than usual, I know that I can always count on my family and friends to turn my day around! In the picture below I am accompanied by Miss Keely Hamman who definitely made my day ten times better chuckling over my skirt mishap!
I just wanted to give you a picture of the FULL and oh so lovely queen attire I had on for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo! :) 
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