Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Herefords in the Mile High City

I have been to Denver and experienced the scene and thrill of watching the Herefords in the yards and on the  hill, and what an experience that is! However, experiencing it as Queen was possibly even more thrilling! This could partially be due to the fact that I actually got to watch the shows all the way through, instead of having to be back in the barns watching cattle! I loved the experience of being Queen in Denver, it is truly a once in a life time experience that I will always treasure. As always, I got to interact with so many Hereford breeders, and who would turn down an opportunity like that? I was so fortunate and thankful to have the Colorado Queen, Brooke Hinojosa, assisting on all the show days both in the yards and on the hills. Without her extra hand it would have been quite a bit for one queen to take on! Overall Denver was a fun packed time, though by the end of my travel I was ready for a good night's sleep!

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